Tuol Sleng, also known as S-21, is a former high school turned prison and infamous interrogation center during Cambodia's Khmer Rouge regime Tuol Sleng, located in the capital Phnom Penh, stands as Cambodia's mournful past a ghostly reminder . Between 1975 and 1979, under Pol Pot, thousands of Cambodians arrested as enemies of the regime were imprisoned, tortured and executed at Tuol Sleng Today, the site is the Tuol Sleng Massacre Museum, and it preserves the savage history and records the atrocities committed during the time si . Visitors to Tuol Sleng can explore museum exhibits, including portraits of victims, torture tools and personal effects, providing a grim but important insight into Cambodia's head a it is about the darkness The museum stands as a monument to the victims and a testament to the importance of remembering and educating about human rights atrocities around the world.
- Specialized bilingual guide
- Private Transport
- Entrance fees (Cable and car and Moon Valley)
- Box lunch water, banana apple and chocolate
- Departure Taxes
- Entry Fees
- 5 Star Accommodation
- Airport Transfers
- Specialized bilingual guide
- Private Transport
- Entrance fees (Cable and car and Moon Valley)
- Box lunch water, banana apple and chocolate
- Departure Taxes
- Entry Fees
- 5 Star Accommodation
- Airport Transfers
8 verified reviews
Location 4/5
Amenities 3.88/5
Services 4.25/5
Price 3.88/5
Rooms 4.13/5